Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ride Across America

Here we are on the side of highway 20 .The guy in the center of the photo is Roger( from Hawaii) and he just rode his 1966 Harley from LA to GA to paint my Hot Rod Trike. His journey was long and good until he got to Georgia when he dropped a valve. AL , Jeffery and me drove 200 miles to pick up the bike as seen in the photo. What a guy to travel 5000 miles to custom paint my trike.
Thanks Roger

Monday, May 19, 2008


Wow what a day Sunday was.Lost for words for a moment, had a brain freeze.Ok I am back and I was so lucky to be part of this special event. It was a Last minute decision to go. The people were great to let me in and be part of this event. Give back to our Military day.We are so lucky to have them and the sacrifice they make every day so we can live the way we do.The crowd was Huge and the fireworks were great and most of all the kids had a fun time.Live for the moment as now is a good time.
Thank You Augusta

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Life is amazing if you let it go to the fun place. We all have our ups and downs. When your down, that's when you turn it around. Recognize it. It was Monday and I heard a noise in the Hot Rod Trikes engine. I just spent two days painting it and had all my stuff packed. I was ready to leave for South Carolina on Tuesday. Yes I was feeling down and knew I couldn't go. For a moment I gave in to the down side. The next morning I jacked up the trike and took out the engine and found a mess of problems. The cooling fan was cracked and the oil cooler was leaking, even the motor mount was bad. Had to scramble for parts. Working like a mad man I had the engine back in and running by 1230 that evening. 8am wed morning off I rode for 5 hours to Myrtle Beach where I swam, ate and rode with the thousands of bikes that were there. I even had two tires donated to my journey as I wear out a lot of tires. I am lucky to live in America where most anything is possible. Thank you America. Back on tour soon.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


You can create most anything . It won't be easy, but when you finish it the reward will take you to another level in your journey through life. Smile on my friends and change your life for the fun of it .Every idea has a positive and a negative side and the negative side is the lazy part of us.So RIDE ON TO YOUR DREAMS. Most everything That I build stars with junk.Only because of lack of money.Be inspired by following the new things that happen to me as the adventure unfolds. Believe in yourself as others will believe in you.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Girl Ride my Trike

I am looking for a female who can handle this Hot Rod Trike and ride across America and possibly around the World. Must be in shape and capable of enduring this freedom ride and have unlimited time .