Tuesday, June 24, 2008


On the road again. Thanks to the judges at both shows for the trophy's. On Sat I entered the Callaway Park Ga. car show and and took best motorcycle. On Sunday I drove 50 miles to the Bug Fever Fix car show. It was great, they had so many great VWS there. Got most radical and best trike and longest drive to the show. Also had some problems with the clutch.Thanks fluffy for your help with the problem.Got a call from Tommy Jackson in Kentucky and he says to get out there soon for a special event. So Kentucky it is and tomorrow I ride on. More happens as they unfold.
bluebeard Adventures

Friday, June 20, 2008

Soaring Eagle Journey

After two years I finally finished the Hot Rod Trike and had the Eagle painted on . The new look forces me to change the name to Soaring Eagle, a name a midwest Native Indian called me. This 1970 VW trike is also unique in it's own way. It seats two people at the rear of the trike.Today I am in West Point Alabama and will be traveling west to a unknown location as I don't know till I get there. What I do know is that I will continue to bring smiles no matter where I go and hope to meet you along the Highway of Adventure. Take the time to enjoy your life and live out your dreams.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Painter extraordinaire

Who is this guy? and what is he doing. His story is amazing.I met him in Hawaii on my way to 50 states. He walked up to see the American Dream trike and we instantly became friends. He is a air brush artist for some 30 years. He painted a eagle on the trike the same day we met. That's a wow in anyones book. Thanks Roger. Nine months later he called and said he would paint the Hot Rod Trike and he would ship his Harley to California to ride across America to where I was.
I said ok thinking it would never happen. Well he did it and painted the trike. He changed the whole look and now it is totaly awesome and became The Soaring Eagle. The hard work paid off and I will display it soon for your viewing pleasure.


Lee and David Hanks a father and son team or better called Volkswagen gurus. Lee has 36 years experience building VW motors and restoring all VW models. I do all my own building but I trust him with my engine. He makes my engine sing and soar down the highway. You can be sure that if you bring your VW to him, THE END RESULTS WILL BE GREAT. Next stop will be Florida beaches for a dip. Thank you Lee Hanks

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Going back in time to remember the good times helps the forward drive. So many wild things happen when you travel. This is just a photo while I was in Florida for Bike Week. The famous biker Bar. Back on the road sooner than you think. Can't wait.
bluebeard soaring with the wind