Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Just when you think everything is going great the big one slams you. Well thats life. So now you have to re adjust your every thing. I just got in South Dakota where the hills started and I noticed the loss of power. I kept going anyways. What else can you do?. Soon I was only going 35 miles per hour and had to stop, the engine was hotter than hot. Had to let it cool for an hour. After a while I got going again. Smoke was blowing every where and I knew what it was. It was bad but the only way to know how bad was to take the motor apart. Got off the next exit and immeadly shut it off. Got permission to take out the engine out on this guys property, and that's what I did. I had a burnt piston. Where can I find a piston for a 38 year old engine I asked myself. Got lucky and found an older guy named Jerry ( THANKS JERRY) who had everything I needed and brought the parts to me. I gladly paid him. At 7 am I took out the engine and took it app art and put the new piston in and the engine was in the car running that night at 9 pm. The next morning I was on the highway looking for Walmart to get food and a place to sleep that night. I say to you be positive in all you do. Can't means won't and the adventure won't happen.

Don't say it (can't)

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