Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Today is my last day in University Hospital in Augusta Ga and check out my friends who went out of their way to make me feel comfortable. This hospital is great and like I said the staff is so loving and caring. Thank you nurses and Dr Brent Limbaugh your the best ever
I have been here for 15 days and now I must go and start fighting lung and pancreas cancer. I am weak and hope to build up my strength. I need all the advice and help I can get from you all.
My friends will organize a pay pal account where donations can be sent. I always tried not to ask for help but now I am really hurting and need your help. It is funny that I told most everyone to live every day as if it was their last, not knowing that mine was to be cut short. This is as real as it gets so please donate so I may live longer an keep inspiring people of all ages. My goal in life is to make people smile and to live out their dreams now because their is no guarantee how long we have an how healthy we will be in the future. Remember when you smile everyone smiles too.
I will try to keep in touch by this blog.You smiles keep me going so try to smile even when things get tough. Thank you and I hope you can donate and may your life be Adventitious and be fun.
If you want to reply I would love to hear from you my email is worldfamoustrike@gmail.com
Bluebeard known as jeff
may all your dreams come true


Anonymous said...

Hello to all of you who are following Jeff's travels and adventures across this great land of America. Jeff continues his battle with cancer and is now in the care of two of his close friends, Rusty and Al, who have been monitoring his condition and medications for over a month. This is not an easy task, for even though Jeff's body has grown weaker, his will and spirit continue to soar. He is still the guy that will do what he says he will do, regardless of the odds or obstacles.

Jeff has always had a dream, and that is for freedom for all people. He lives that dream every day.

Help make his final dream come true before he passes on to the next adventure. Jeff wants to return to Hawaii and is planning on bringing "The Soaring Eagle" trike to his girlfriend, Sharon, who lives on the North Shore of Oahu. The plan was for him to sell everything he had stored in Georgia and then for the two of them to take both Trikes around the world, documenting the trip for a book and a movie.

As we all know, the economy took a sudden dive and things did not sell as well as expected. Then the health problem reared its head and struck Jeff in his prime.

Your generous donations have carried Jeff this far and he appreciates all the help, the smiles, the comments and the contributions more than can be expressed.

Let's get this amazing guy to Hawaii and if you want to be a part of the adventure, please post a comment here, any suggestions you may have, to keep this dream alive.

Sharon intends to carry on and will drive this new trike around the country and yes, maybe even the world, with the same idea...to give people something to smile about, inspire them to live their dreams, and to make the world a little better. Please help us get Jeff and the Trike back to the islands. You can contribute to this adventure by hitting the donate button which links to PayPal. We would love to put you in the Book...just drop us an email: Sharonimo53@gmail.com

Please join me in Wishing Jeff Well...Aloha for now, All of "Bluebeard's" friends in Hawaii

Anonymous said...

Post Script: "The Adventure Lies in the Unknown". "Bluebeard", aka Jeff Brown.

It is with great sadness and sense of loss that I tell you that at 3 A M on Sunday, January 18, 2009 this amazing and loving person said a final goodbye to his loyal friend Rusty, who was by his side.

Some people are just too good for this world. Jeff was tough yet senstive, understanding and wise. He offered friendship and good advise, loved to see folks smile and he's surely the most honest man I have ever known. He has left many, many friends and folks who love him.

I was watching him one day as he was parked with the Flag Bike at the monument beach in Haleiwa. He talked to this person for about fifteen minutes and then, just before they left, he looked straight in their eyes and said, "You know, I have traveled thousands of miles across this great country and I sometimes meet hundreds of people a day....but I have never have met anyone like you before." He had that way of making everyone feel special. He had a gift of inspiring them to live life to the fullest.

Aloha Nui Loa, Jeff and A Hui Hou
(until we meet again...) s

GypsyDebraLee said...

"All who wander are not lost."

I feel like this man was my kindred spirit...I just wanted the chance to meet him. We have the same birthday and so much in common...like he is the male side of me. I feel so close to him, even now. Tomorrow, three of us are going to have a memorial service here on the island for Jeff, at one or more of his favorite places. Sharon says she feels his spirit is with her and she has been smiling all day through the tears, to know that he is free and happy where he now is.

Aloha, Debra

Unknown said...

Sorry my English is poor... We have going many time on the JEFF's BLOG and do a part of his adventure and some of JEFF's WORD are a lesson of life. I am sorry to read this bad new. I have a blog on trike and should like do a tribute to JEFF and with your authorisation do a column with some pictures, some little part of JEFF's texte and the link to going on his blog. I hope give a knowledge of this adventure to French and Europeen Trikers.
My blog is :
Thanks for all.
Please keep JEFF's blog always open

Sharon said...

I was Jeff's cousin. He disappeared from our lives over ten years ago. No one knew where he was and no one heard from him until we received word of his death. I am so sad to learn of his passing he was a good cousin. I am however not surprised the way he lived the last years of his life. He was a free spirited man and had a creative imagination. He often pursued many of his ideas not always being successful but he gave it his all. I am so happy he was very successful at the trikes and his goal to make people smile as it is very obvious in his memoirs that he did touch many peoples lives and made them smile. I am sad that I was not able to be with him these last years especially when he was battling cancer but I am happy he seemed very at peace with his accomplishments and the friends he made. I will miss you cuz as I have been for some time now. Sharon